Basic Information
Company: ADRIA DENTAL GROUP limited liability company for services
Abbreviated name: ADRIA DENTAL GROUP LLC
Headquarters and address: Josipa Marohnića 3, 10 000 Zagreb
Tax Identification Number (OIB): 02544041952
Registration number (MB): 05425450
Subject registration number (MBS): 081375098
Competent register: Commercial Court in Zagreb
Bank: Zagrebačka banka d.d., Zagreb
IBAN: HR0423600001103077896
Amount of share capital: 19.810,00 € fully paid
Authorized representative: Gordan Muškić, President of the Management Board
Andrija Petar Bošnjak, Chief Medical Officer
General inquiries
01 3333 535
Apply for a job
Ul. Josipa Marohnića 3 10000 Zagreb, Croatia