

Code of Ethics of the Adria Dental Group

The Code of Ethics is the result of the aspiration to unify values ​​and behavior in all ADG members, which will lead us safely and easily to common success. The ethical principles stated in the code are based on the mission and vision of ADG, and on the values ​​that are present in the daily work of us all:

● principles of behavior in the relationship with patients
● principles of behavior within the organization
● principles of behavior towards external collaborators and the public
● principles of responsible business.

In order for the ethical principles to be lived on a daily basis and for all of us to adhere to them, we have appointed a person in each group member who will perform the role of ethics commissioner. Ethics commissioners are persons to whom employees of polyclinics or dental labs can turn if they witness unethical behavior or if they find themselves in an ethical dilemma.

The first meeting of the Ethics Committee was held on November 3rd, 2022 in Zagreb, the activities for the implementation of the Code of Ethics were defined, and the colleagues chose Tamara Puljić, Head Nurse of the Rident Polyclinic, as the President of the Committee. Other members are Helena Kokir for the Arena group, Jasminka Blažević for the Salona